Preparing Your Child for an fMRI

Many modern-day research studies utilize Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to gain a better understanding of brain activity. This is a very safe and noninvasive form of neuroimaging, but fMRI scanners can sometimes appear scary (especially to young children) due to the loud noises that they produce as well as their large physical stature.
At the CARE Lab, we know that you, as parents, do not want to see your child uncomfortable or scared. If your child is participating in a study within the CARE Lab that uses fMRI, our research staff will take time on the day of your scheduled visit to help your child understand what an fMRI is and to make them feel as comfortable as possible before entering the scanner.

Attached below are two short videos that you can watch with your child at home to help them prepare for what they will experience during their fMRI scan.

What Is An MRI?

Watch this short video with your child to help them understand what an MRI/fMRI is

MRI Sounds

This video will introduce your child to some of the sounds that they will hear while inside an MRI/fMRI machine